Facilitating change – for leaders, teams and groups: I can support you in situations of conflict, change processes or for team allignment by facilitating constructive change.

Facilitating change includes all members with their respective resources, knowledge and realizations: The deeper understanding of the system can emerge. Authenticity and diversity allow for a larger whole to show up. The group, the team takes responsibility for the shared future: Engagement and commitment of the parties involved can develop. A new direction can emerge.

„Making the future in a VUCA World will require an ability to restart, reframe, and see things that others do not yet see.“

Bob Johansen, „Leaders make the Future“

Facilitating Change supports teams, groups and organizations in times of redirection, team alignment, defining values, team development, in situations of conflict or with latent conflicts, implementation of conscious business principles or your current topic.

I will support you as facilitator through my presence, clarity, directness and the ability, to involve all parties, if you are looking for someone who is complementing your strengths.

Are you interessted? Feel free to call me (+49 170 803 6432) or send me an email. I looking forward to discussing how I can help you.

Do you want to know more about me and my qualifications?
→ About me